Supervisor of the year - 2022

Supervisor of the Year

The Office of Student Employment is happy to announce the first annual Student Employee Supervisor of the Year Program! Each year, supervisors across campus can be nominated for their outstanding work with student employees.

A committee will then take into consideration a variety of factors and select one candidate to hold the title of Supervisor of the Year.

Click here to see past winners!

2022 Supervisor of the year

Sean Dean
Excel Math Center
"He is kind, respectful, dedicated and organized. Sean is a true leader, and he exudes all the vital characteristics of great bosses."
Across the board, Sean has been described as a dedicated leader.

He dedicates time and effort to not only developing professional skills in students but interpersonal skills that they can take with them into their future endeavors. He is well organized and efficient, ensuring that processes run smoothly to reduce stress in the workplace. We are so happy to award Sean with the title of our 2022 Student Employee Supervisor of the Year.




Anabell Sintas, Anthropology
Anabell Sintas

Anabell is generous and empathetic to the needs of her employees

Ariadna Coffman
Ariadna Coffman

Ariadna is devoted to aiding her employees, even when it means sacrificing her personal time

Arletta Session
Arletta Session
Retail Services

Arletta is empathetic and cares deeply for her employees and is viewed as a role model 

Bailey Bush
Bailey Bush
Residence Life & Housing

Bailey is empathetic and compassionate towards her employees

ㅤNominees 2:

Benjamin Davies
Benjamin Davies
Budget & Planning

Benjamin is good leader and is a joy to have in the office

Bill Moorman
Bill Moorman
Gallogly Recreation & Wellness Center

Bill is an amazing leader and makes the well being of his employees a top priority despite issues caused by COVID

Branden Williams
Branden Williams
Office of Financial Aid, Student Employment & Scholarships

Branden is a great leader and is compassionate and empathetic to his employees

Brandon Runnels
Brandon Runnels
Mechanical Engineering

Dr. Runnels is an amazing leader and creates an environment for learning and growing for his employees

ㅤNominees 3:

Brianna "Bri" Young
Brianna "Bri" Young

Bri creates an environment of understanding and acceptance, and is a great leader and mentor

Crista Hill
Crista Hill
Veteran and Military Affairs

Crista is well versed in role, organized, professional, and quick to problem solve with the input of her employees

Diane Stutey
Diane Stutey
Counseling & Human Services

Dr. Stutey is always willing to help and answer questions and provides opportunities of growth for her employees

Ellen Burkart, First Year Experience
Ellen Burkart
First Year Experience

Ellen is a great leader who is resilient and empathetic, and provides an environment for growth for her employees

ㅤNominees 4:

Jacqueline Bisaillon
Jacqueline Bisaillon

Jacqueline makes her employees feel cared for and heard, and prioritizes her employees' education

Jamie Dunston
Jamie Dunston
Dining & Hospitality

Jamie cares for her employees' well-being and creates a fun work environment

Jenny Dorrington
Jenny Dorrington
Math Center

"Because Math Center is the best place at UCCS"

Jesse Gilbert
Jesse Gilbert

"It has been life changing working in a place that is such a welcoming environment that is equally productive."

ㅤNominees 5:

Kayla Gronseth Boyer
Kayla Gronseth Boyer
Alumni Relations

"She makes the student employment experience educational and informative while being accomodating and supportive."

Kimberly Reeves
Kimberly Reeves

"She strives to know how she can best support her student employees and helps to allows us to accomplish our projects."

Laura Austin-Eurich
Laura Austin-Eurich
Undergraduate Studies

"Laura is an amazing supervisor who shares a los for journalism with every single one of her employees at the Scribe."

Laura Straub
Laura Straub
Residence Life and Housing

"She is set apart by her kindness, patience, and organization."

ㅤNominees 6:

Melody Turner
Melody Turner
University Center Information Desk

"She has an excellent work ethic that is above all others'. She is never late, she always helps when needed, and helps aid in the scheduling and training of our staff."

Mike Hamilton
Mike Hamilton
Veteran and Military Student Affairs

"He valued my ideas and allowed me to utilize my skills to help improve the department."

Nicholas Lockwood
Nicholas Lockwood

"He is very encouraging and helped me get over my fear of talking with strangers and helped my discover my love for Orientation and helping students."

Noelle Abbott
Noelle Abbott
College of Education

"Noelle is a wonderful supervisor. She is kind and patient, and takes the time to explain everything to me as a new employee."

ㅤNominees 7:

Rhett Saunders
Rhett Saunders
Computer Science

"Rhett Saunders is an amazing professor. He is very dedicated to teaching real-life concepts about cyber security to students."

Sloan Gonzales
Sloan Gonzales
CLC & UCCSlead

"I have learned - and continue to learn - so much from her compassion, patience, commitment to DEI, wordly wisdom, and intelligence."

Stephanie Adams
Stephanie Adams
UCCS Downtown

"Stephanie is the epitome of a patient, kind, supportive, and committed leader. She exemplifies, everyday, what it means to put others first"

Stephanie Trujillo
Stephanie Trujillo

"She is very understanding of my schedule and knows how to make everyone around her feel comfortable in the workspace."

ㅤNominees 8:

Vickie McCoy
Vickie McCoy
Excel Communication Center

"She is always willing to help and it is evident how much she cares about her student employees. She is by far the best supervisor I've ever had!"

Whitley Hadley
Whitley Hadley

"Her bright and warm attitude has always made it a delight to come into work everyday, and I know that I can trust them with anything when I need help."

Nominating a Student Employee Supervisor

Student employees, colleagues, and campus community members may nominate any number of student employee supervisors for Student Employee Supervisor of the Year by submitting a Campus Nomination Form and a one page Submission Letter. Up to three letters of reference may also be submitted and will be used in judging the UCCS competition only.

Return the completed forms to the Student Employment Office by 4:00pm, Friday, March 17th, 2023. (the Campus Nomination Form and one page Submission Letter are word documents which should be completed and submitted via the Campus Nomination Form link and adding attachments.  Late nomination forms will not be accepted.

In honor of National Student Employment Appreciation Week, we would like to also recognize our outstanding student employee supervisors! Students, colleagues, and campus community members can submit the nomination form electronically to our office to recognize their supervisor, past or present. Our student employees and their leaders have such a large impact on our campus and community and we would like to acknowledge that!


Below are the requirements that supervisors must meet in order to be nominated. A student can nominate more than one supervisor, however only one winner will be chosen.  The winner will be notified the week of April 10th, 2023 in line with National Student Employment Appreciation week, where we will also announce our winner of Student Employee of the Year. Nominees for both programs will also be acknowledged on our website.


Minimum Requirements

  • Must supervise at least one student employee
  • An active UCCS employee, off campus work study supervisors are ineligible


Along with Supervisor of the Year, we have created a Kudoboard in order for student employees, supervisors, and peers to recognize one another. The board is available and will be posted on our website for Student Employment Appreciation Week.