Job Classifications and Pay Ranges
Colorado Equal Pay Act
The Equal Pay for Equal Work Act (C.R.S. § 8-5-101 et seq.) was signed into law by Colorado Governor Polis on May 22, 2019. Effective January 1, 2021, this act amends Colorado law and provides new wage discrimination and employer provisions that differ from federal law and other state equal pay laws. UCCS, along with each campus and system office of the University of Colorado, is evaluating the requirements of the new law and reviewing existing policies and pay practices for alignment. UCCS executive leadership, human resources, and legal counsel are leading this effort.
There are several components to Colorado’s Equal Pay Act. Some of the provisions are:
- Prohibits wage discrimination by requiring that an employer shall not discriminate between employees on the basis of sex, or on the basis of sex in combination with another protected status, by paying an employee of one sex a wage rate less than the rate paid to an employee of a different sex for substantially similar work (based on a composite of skill; effort, which may include consideration of shift work; and responsibility), regardless of job title. A wage rate differential is permissible if at least one of the following factors accounts for the entire wage rate differential:
- A seniority system;
- A merit system;
- A system that measures earnings by quantity or quality of production;
- The geographic location where the work is performed;
- Education, training, or experience to the extent that they are reasonably related to the work in question; or
- Travel, if the travel is a regular and necessary condition of the work performed.
- The Act requires the employer to keep records of job descriptions and wage rate history for each employee for the duration of employment plus two years after the end of employment.
- The Act requires providing notice of job openings and promotional opportunities, including the hourly or salary rate or range, and a general description of all of the benefits and other compensation offered to the hired applicant.
- Prohibits using pay history for prospective employees by requiring that an employer shall not seek the wage rate history, or rely on the wage rate history, of a prospective employee to determine a wage rate. Discrimination or retaliation against a prospective employee for failing to disclose wage rate history is prohibited.
Job Code Structure
Effective May 30th, 2021, UCCS is expanding student employee job codes for on-campus student hourly positions. This change expands the student job classifications and outlines the pay increases required by the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment. Below are our student job classifications, working title examples and pay ranges.
4101- Entry Level/Semi-Skilled
$15.50-$19.50 per hour (effective 7/1/2024)
•Little or no prior experience or education required. |
•Considerable training done on-the-job. |
•Work is under immediate supervision (methods of performing tasks are well established and explained in specific terms). |
•Work assignments typically involve standardized duties that are of a routine and repetitive nature. |
•Work assignments may include the use of special equipment, software applications or tools per an established procedure. |
•The supervisor has responsibility for the assignment of work, the flow of work, production level, and provision of proper instructions. |
•Jobs require limited to no independent judgment, analysis, or decision making skills. |
•Some jobs may not move beyond this level. |
4101 Job Code- Working Titles Examples:
- 1st Year Teacher Assistant, Receptionist, Student Ambassador, Outdoor Services Student Assistant, DHS General Student Staff, Orientation Welcome Leader, UC Event Assistant, Grader, IT Intern, IT Technician, Scribe Reporter, Scribe Coordinator
4103- Intermediate/Advanced
$15.50-$22.50 per hour (effective 7/1/2024)
•Some previous knowledge, experience or education required. |
•Specialized training done on-the-job. |
•Work is under general supervision (work objectives are set but methods of performing tasks are left up to the employee). |
•Work assignments are varied and less routine and involve a moderate degree of responsibility. |
•Work assignments may involve access to and use of sophisticated and/or confidential data systems such as PS Campus Solutions, PS Finance, PS HCM, etc. for which considerable training is required. |
•The supervisor has responsibility for the assignment of work, however there is less control exercised over the flow of work and instructions given are more general. |
•The employee is responsible for the results. |
•Jobs require moderate independent judgment, analysis, and decision making skills. |
•Some jobs may not move beyond this level. |
4103 Job Code- Working Titles Examples:
- Lead Student Ambassador, GIS/FM/CAD Assistant, DHS Student Manager, Lead Orientation Welcome Leader, UC Event Assistant II, SI Instructor, Senior IT Technician, Peer Tutor, Scribe Business Manager, Orientation Leader Coordinator
4106- Specialist/Lead
$15.50-$25.00 per hour (effective 7/1/2024)
•Prior experience, education or specialized skills required. |
•Work is under general supervision (work objectives are set but methods of performing tasks are left up to the employee). |
•Work assignments involve a broad variety of skilled tasks. |
•Jobs require the application of considerable independent judgment and decision making. |
•Students at this level may have the responsibility to direct the work of lower-level student employees. |
4106 Job Code- Working Title Examples:
- DHS Student Director, UC Building Manager, IT Lead, Senior Peer Tutor, Scribe Editor-in-Chief, Certified Teachers Assistant, Financial Assistant
Job Code/Pay Range Guidance
Student Job Codes/Pay Ranges for Student Assistant Levels
Once a department has determined which job description best suits the position, the department must determine the student’s pay rate. The pay rate must fall within the minimum and maximum for your job description and ensure equal pay for substantially similar work. These pay ranges are tied to minimum wage and are reviewed annually. Adjustments in the range amounts occur at the beginning of the academic year term or upon the effective date of any required increase to minimum wage.
We recommend that you start a new hire between the minimum and the midpoint in the appropriate job code. This will leave enough room in the pay range for merit and longevity increases in the case that an employee continues to do the same job function over time. They do not need to be moved to a new job code simply to receive a pay raise.
To ensure equal pay for substantially similar work, each hiring department shall determine which student assistant jobs they hire for have similar pay standards (based on a composite of skill; effort, which may include consideration of shift work; and responsibility). The department should use standard working titles or other internal methods to identify and track substantially similar jobs.
When setting pay for student employees, wage history is not to be used as a factor. Each hiring department shall apply consistent pay setting standards to all employees hired into substantially similar positions based on one, or a combination, of the options below:
- A seniority system, such as the date of hire in the role, in the department or at CU;
- Education, experience, licensure, and/or certification directly related to the job;
- In addition to the factors above, the following additional criteria may be used when determining pay increases for current employees performing substantially similar work:
- A merit system, such as performance;
- Travel or shift work requirements;
Any of these factors if used must be applied consistently to all employees performing substantially similar work. The factor(s) used to set pay shall be documented and communicated at the department level.
- Departmental compensation plans are maintained by each department and reviewed each year during the annual audit
- Click here to view the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment Minimum Wage Information
Job Posting Requirement
All University employers are required to list hourly and 1500 series job vacancies and promotion opportunities with the Student Employment Office using SEAN. Each vacancy or promotion opportunity must be listed for a minimum of three (3) days before a student can be hired/promoted.
Required Offer Review for New Hires and Promotions:
All offers must be reviewed by Student Employment before they can be made to a student employee. A department will complete the Student Employee Position Offer for a hire or the Wage Change Offer for a promotion and submit this offer to Student Employment for review. When approved by Student Employment the offer can then be made to the candidate. A new ticket type will be used in Cherwell for submittal of these documents for review. Once the offer is completed and accepted the SEPO or WCO will be sent to Student Employment for processing via the regular Cherwell ticket for each type of action.