Hiring Hourly Student Employees
Steps to Hiring Hourly Student Employees
- Create/review a job description for the position that details job duties- will be included on the Student Employee Position Offer (SEPO).
- Create/review a compensation plan that includes the starting pay rate and opportunities for raises/promotions- will be included on the Student Employee Position Offer (SEPO). Guidance can be found here: https://stuemp.uccs.edu/employers/jobclass
- Post the job on SEAN (Student Employment Assistance Network) for at least three days. This is required for all positions.
- Interview candidates- applicant comparison template can be found here: https://stuemp.uccs.edu/sites/g/files/kjihxj1596/files/2020-06/Student_Applicant_Comparison.xls
- Submit draft version of the SEPO form using the Offer Review ticket in Cherwell to Student Employment for review and approval before moving forward with the offer. https://cherwell3.uccs.edu/cherwellportal/se
- Offer the position using the Student Employee Position Offer to the top candidate pending a successful background check
- Complete background check form.
- Once the background check is successfully completed send the signed SEPO to the Student Employment Office via Cherwell using the Position Offer ticket - https://cherwell3.uccs.edu/cherwellportal/se
- Send the student in person to the Student Employment Office to complete their I-9 and orientation (if they are new employees). Students need to be prepared to bring appropriate documentation to complete the I-9- https://www.uscis.gov/i-9-central/acceptable-documents
- Begin the student personnel file- guidance can be found here: https://stuemp.uccs.edu/employers/audit