Student Fellowship Position
Steps to Requesting Student Fellowship Position
- Create/review a fellowship letter for the position that details the fellowship- A fellowship letter template can be found here: https://stuemp.uccs.edu/sites/g/files/kjihxj1596/files/inline-files/Student%20Fellowship%20Letter%20Template%20-%20revised%2010-12-2022.docx
- Create the Request to Fill a Student Fellowship or Stipend form- A Request to Fill a Student Fellowship or Stipend form can be found here: https://stuemp.uccs.edu/sites/g/files/kjihxj1596/files/inline-files/Fellowship%20or%20Stipend%20RTF%20.pdf
- Submit the Request to Fill a Student Fellowship or Stipend form and the completed fellowship letter to Student Employment via Cherwell- https://cherwell3.uccs.edu/cherwellportal/se