Disclaimer and Scam Information
Off-Campus Job Postings Disclaimer and Scam Information
Regarding off-campus jobs posted using SEAN (online job search service)
Since off-campus non-work study employment opportunities are not under the jurisdiction of UCCS, the University assumes no obligation for verification of job standards, continued employment or affirmative action procedures.
Students should be aware of potential job posting scams. Any off-campus position is outside of UCCS jurisdiction and as such the University assumes no liability or obligation in verifying validity of postings. Please use extreme caution in applying for off campus positions. Students should NEVER pay for employment opportunities. If any employer asks for money, wishes to engage in wire transfers, or discusses advance payment for work that has not been performed, please discontinue all correspondence with that employer and contact Cpl Detective Mike Schaller with UCCS Police immediately at mschalle@uccs.edu.
The Office of Student Employment at the University of Colorado, Colorado Springs acts only as a referral service. We make no recommendations or guarantees about the positions and employers listed through our office. Due to the volume of jobs received by Student Employment, we are unable to research the integrity of every position listed. Therefore, students are urged to take on this responsibility themselves. We encourage you to use common sense and caution when applying for positions, especially when applying for positions off-campus. If a potential employer asks you to participate in an activity that makes you uncomfortable in any way, don't do it. You may also wish to check with other services that rate business, for example the local Better Business Bureau.
The Office of Student Employment and SEAN do not at any time send your information to potential employers. You must actively apply for positions in order to be considered. Should you receive an email regarding a position you did not actively apply for, use extreme caution and do not apply for the position or send any personal information. Follow the guidelines below when dealing with potential scams:
- You should report any unsolicited job offers to the IT Service Desk at helpdesk@uccs.edu by attaching the email you received so that IT can block the address if it is from a malicious sender.
- If you received such an email and already replied and provided personal information, contact Cpl Detective Mike Schaller with UCCS Police immediately at mschalle@uccs.edu.
- You can also report it directly to the FBI's Internet Crime Complaint Center at https://www.ic3.gov/default.aspx.
Helpful Tips for Avoiding Employment Scams:
- Never provide personal or bank information over email or phone
- Never take cashier's checks or money orders as a form of payment, as your bank will hold you accountable for any bounced checks.
- Never wire funds to an employer. Any employer who requests wire funds is a scam.
- Never apply for a job listed by someone from another country.
- Never apply for a job with someone who indicates they are away on business or out of the country and need someone to begin right away.
- Never agree to a background check unless you have met employer in person, and do not provide your personal information over email or phone.
- Never apply to a position that is emailed to you unsolicited.
- Research the employer. Check their website and call the number listed on the job posting. Scammers will often use a legitimate business as a cover, so don't be afraid to contact the business and inquire about the posting.
- Meet face to face with potential employers. Be sure to choose a public place for your meeting, tell someone where you are going and bring your cell phone with you just in case.
- Be skeptical. If a job offers a lot of money for very little work, it is likely a scam. If a job seems too good to be true, it probably is.
What To Do If You Believe You've Been Scammed:
- Stop all contact with the scammer immediately.
- Contact Cpl Detective Mike Schaller with UCCS Police immediately at mschalle@uccs.edu with all correspondence.
- If the scam happened via an email you received, attach that email and send it to helpdesk@uccs.edu to ensure that the email address who contacted you is blocked.
- If you found the position on SEAN, please send an email to stuemp@uccs.edu with the job posting number, employer name and a description of the scam so that the position can be removed.
Other Helpful Information:
The Federal Trade Commission has a helpful website with information about avoiding job scams. Check it out here: https://www.consumer.ftc.gov/articles/job-scams